• POQ - Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
    Philharmonic Oboe Quartet

    POQ goes MAGIC

  • Christoph Hartmann. Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
    Philharmonic Oboe Quartet

    Christoph Hartmann

  • Walter Küssner. Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
    Philharmonic Oboe Quartet

    Walter Küssner

  • Luíz Fïlíp Coelho. Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
    Philharmonic Oboe Quartet

    Luíz Fïlíp Coelho

  • Clemens Weigel. Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
    Philharmonic Oboe Quartet

    Clemens Weigel

Four Instruments,
One Vision

By rediscovering forgotten repertoire, encouraging composers to write new pieces, connecting theatre, literature and music through cooperations with actors – the POQ strives to define new avenues within the classical music scene.

Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
POQ goes MAGIC. Design by Frontal
  • “POQ goes MAGIC”

    Downsizing operas was customary during Mozart’s time. The so called “Harmoniemusik” (an arrangement of operas or famous arias for a smaller group of musicians), allowed the aristocratic households to entertain their guests at banquets, hunting parties and other court activities with the latest operas and arias.

    For the most part, the composers themselves did not make the arrangements, that was a task reserved for other contemporaries, who were specialized in “Harmoniemusik”.

  • “POQ goes MAGIC”

    Zu Mozarts Zeiten gab es die weit verbreitete Gattung der sogenannten Harmoniemusik. Unter ihr verstand man – sowohl in Länge als auch in Besetzung- reduzierte Versionen zeitgenössischer Opern, die oft bereits kurz nach der Premiere der originalen Oper erschienen.

    Diese Arrangements ermöglichten es Adelshäusern geladene Gesellschaften bei Banketten, Jagdpartys und sonstige Hofaktivitäten mit den aktuellen neuen Opern und Arien zu unterhalten.

For news and upcoming concerts, check back often

Concert in Tokyo, Salon de JDR, Japan Double Reed

Concert in Tokyo, Salon de JDR, Japan Double Reed

Concert in Sakai (Osaka). Venue: Fenice Sacay

Concert in Sakai (Osaka). Venue: Fenice Sacay

Concert in Kitakami (Iwate). Venue: Sakura Hall

Concert in Kitakami (Iwate). Venue: Sakura Hall

Philharmonic Oboe Orchestra

Philharmonic Oboe Quartet
Dressed exclusively by Brioni
Photos: Brioni

Biographies and pictures
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  • "POQ goes MAGIC"